Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Chemistry, Physical
- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 6
- Surface chemistry
- Intermolecular forces 2
- Molecular Weight 2
- Molecular weights 2
- Physics 2
- physical chemistry 2
- Interfaces (Physical sciences) 1
- Nanostructured materials 1
- Nanostructures 1
- Semiconductors 1
- Solid state chemistry 1
- Surfaces (Physics) 1
- molecular weight 1
- physics 1
Intermolecular and surface forces / Jacob N. Israelachvili.
Published 2015Full text (Wentworth users only)
Electronic eBook -
Intermolecular and surface forces / Jacob N. Israelachvili.
Published 2015Full text (Wentworth users only)
Electronic eBook -
Advances in chemical physics. edited by I. Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice.
Published 1974Full text (Wentworth users only)
Electronic eBook -
Advances in chemical physics. edited by I. Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice.
Published 1996Full text (Wentworth users only)
Electronic eBook -
Physical chemistry of semiconductor materials and processes / Sergio Pizzini.
Published 2015Full text (Wentworth users only)
Electronic eBook